AANS/CNS Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves | Newsletter Summary
In this issue, we present a brief update on RUC activity and review what spine surgeons need to do now to avoid reimbursement cuts applied by the upcoming transition of PQRS and EHR measures. Previously, reporting PQRS measures was voluntary, and led to small bonuses in Medicare reimbursement. Now, surgeons face imposition of CMS reimbursement decreases to practices that do not demonstrate compliance with PQRS measures.
Cover Story
How to Avoid Taking a Big Cut in Medicare Reimbursements for 2015
John Ratliff, MD
Without intervention and change in coding practices, neurosurgeons in the US face a $10,000,000 cut in Medicare reimbursement in 2015. However, these cuts can be avoided by participating in the CMS PQRS program.
These questions and answers provide a cursory review of these relevant quality systems for practicing surgeons. This is not a thorough review of these programs; this is the bare-bones info you need to
avoid cuts in your practice’s Medicare reimbursements. Instructional webinars on each of these programs are under preparation at present and will be provided as a part of our coding course offerings in 2013.
What do all these acronyms mean?
PQRS is the Physicians Quality Reporting System, a group of process-based measures that are used by CMS as quality assessments. Compliance with these process measures are equated with providing quality care.
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Spring 2021
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Fall 2020
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Spring 2020
COVER | Interview with Dr. Zoher Ghogawala, Past Chair of the Spine Section MORE >
Benefits of Membership
“The AANS/CNS Spine Section brings together neurosurgeons, orthopedic spine surgeons, spine surgery fellows, as well as residents and advanced practice providers focused on spinal surgery. The Spine Section advances our interests, represents us in national advocacy, and disseminates science. Becoming a member means joining this exceptional community and helping it grow.” ...Read More >