Neurosurgery Homepage Introduced
Biomechanical Bits
Selected Abstracts from the CNS 12th Annual Meeting
12th Annual Meeting Program Schedule
Awards and Grants
Book Review
In This Issue…Biomechanical Bits (2), Selected Abstracts from the CNS 12th Annual Meeting (3), 12th Annual Meeting Program Schedule (4), Awards and Grants (7), Book Review (7).
The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and Congress of Neurological Surgeons’ (CNS) homepage on the World Wide Web will officially open during the 1996 AANS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. Several workstations will be placed in an “On-Line Pavilion” demonstrating the site while start up software will be distributed to meeting attendees. The Editor is Richard Toselli, MD.
The prototype of the site was demonstrated at the CNS Annual Meeting recently held in San Francisco. A workstation was available for members to navigate through the site and make comments about content they would like to see added. The exhibit received an enthusiastic response from neurosurgeons in attendance.
Sections and Committees of the AANS and CNS have selected content editors who are responsible for providing content for their particular area of interest. The editor for the Spine and Peripheral Nerves section of the site is Gary Rea, MD. This section includes information on membership, past and recent newsletters, meeting registration, a bulletin board and section updates. If you would like to have information placed on this section of the site, please contact Dr. Rea for consideration. Information may be sent to him at Ohio State University, N-007 Upham Hall, 473 West Twelfth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Other areas of interest will include the following:
CPT Coding Coach ™ — an automated CPT coding assistant. This decision tree database prompts you and your staff to ensure quick and accurate reimbursement from CPT coding.
Chat Rooms / Bulletin Boards — members will be able to post text and images for public viewing and hold discussion groups with colleagues.
Library — this database will contain a comprehensive database of neurological and neurosurgical journals, AANS and CNS Annual Meeting Abstracts, images and the Medline® database.
Meetings and Courses — detailed information on the AANS, CNS and Joint Section meetings, other neurosurgical society meetings, as well as regional Professional Development Continuing Medical Education Courses can be obtained here.
Membership and Foundation Information — AANS and CNS membership applications and benefits can be found in this area of the site. Research grant applications and information donating to the AANS Research Foundation and THINK FIRST is also available.