Archived Videos

Microsurgical resection of intramedullary spinal cord ependymoma

| AANSNeurosurgery

Paul C. McCormick, M.D., MPH

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York

Abstract: Ependymomas are the most commonly occurring intramedullary spinal cord tumor in adults. With few exceptions these tumors are histologically benign, although they exhibit some biologic variability with respect to growth rate. While unencapsulated, spinal ependymomas are non-infiltrative and present a clear margin of demarcation from the surrounding spinal cord that serves as an effective dissection plane. This video demonstrates the technique of microsurgical resection of an intramedullary ependymoma through a posterior midline myelotomy.

Paul C. McCormick, M.D., MPH, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York. Email:

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